Hi, a few days ago I posted a sneak peek of my story. now I have finished it and you can see it, so here you go The ZambieBusters
The ZambieBusters
“!!Crash!! Druckle rack whirll… the virus from hell had begun! In about an hour the outbreak was as big as a 10 tonne hippo, somehow, it managed to get across the OCEAN! People were looting gun stores, getting supplies like food, ammo, comfort, they were running from: The Zambies!!!”
“Wait, don’t you mean Zombies?”
“No, it's Zambies”
“anyway… luckily there was a team that was ready for this and they were called: The ZambieBusters…”
“AHAHAHAAAA, I’m sorry I’m still just laughing that they’re called the “ZAMBIEBUSTERS” just think… oh look… its the ZambieBusters, AHAHAHAHAHA…” Brtzllllllllt *thump*
“Don't mess with the man with the tazer. Anyway… the zambies SMASHED down the door to the building the ZambieBusters were in…” *Chuckle*
“AHHHh glrrrrt” “But the ZambieBusters were ready… they had the most RARE weapon in the world: The Atallic Roton.”
“The WHAT??”
“Allow me to explain, the Atallic Roton starts off as a pistol, but you can say a gun and it’ll turn into that gun that you said, buuut it’s time for bed.”
“Aww c'mon Gramps, whyyyy!!”
“Just kidding haha it’s only 6.00, anyway… Jason said into the Atallic Roton for a P90 and it instantly turned into one. It looked like one, but the Atallic Roton makes whatever gun you ask but ALSO makes it 10 times faster and 10 times stronger…”
“Wait, so if the P90 does 60 damage in a video game…”
“600 damage it does in Atallic Roton Form”
“...Wow, i mean, that’s a lot”
“I told you this story would blow your mind, AND it's non-fiction! Now, where was I, oh, that’s it, the P90 was 1-shotting EVERY walker, until he ran out of ammo.”
“(Jason Blane talking) Dell, pass me an Info-Mag for the P90,”
“Here!” said Delilah, the person with the ammo and the only woman in the team. Suddenly, James Bond (Derpy Clone Edition) came in and shot everything in the building, but then he got eaten by a Zambie. “The ZambieBusters jumped out of the building and set it on fire with Firegun’s Firegun and his BoomCo (Geddit) but then the water pipe That derpy James Bond shot spilled with the water, and the Zambies tippled out, suddenly... 3 Boomers came out of the sky, the ZambieBusters were REALLY in trouble now! But Doug, the melee guy had the CHAINBLADE!!! The most POWERFUL melee weapon in the WORLD, it’s like the Atallic Roton but with melee stuff, Doug sliced THROUGH the Boomers, you’d think they’d be done by now, but they were CORNERED, but Delilah not only had the ammo, she had a Intervention(sniper rifle) and a SMG. She BLASTED through all the Zambies, along with Jason’s Atallic Roton, Firegun’s BoomCo and Firegun, and Doug’s ChainBlade… until there were no more,”
“(Jason Blane) Phew, no more Zambies……”
“Except, for ONE… The most biggest Zambie of all of them…… The ABATMANANIMATION.
“(Abatmananimation talking) *Stomp* *Stomp* …(Instead of roar!!) BECAUSE I'M BATMAN!!!”
“The Abatmananimation Charged at the zambiebusters, Doug turned the chainblade into an axe-whip and hooked it into the ABatmanAnimation’s leg, swung it around, and smashed him on the
ground. The Abatmananimation was REALLY angry now, he knocked out Firegun with eyebrow touch, touched Delilah and then insta knock into a 15 tonne wall, and kicked Doug from new york to SYDNEY (21 hour flight), the Abatmananimation had been victorious. But then Jason borrowed BoomCo, Blasted The Abatmananimation and SLICED him with a katana revealing the Goblet of reality, (this item can travel you to any realm/galaxy/planet) Jason picked it up and told it: “Where did the Zambies came from, and it teleported him to HELL, where he met The Blood Demon, he said:
“I’ve been expecting you, in 10 minutes, your friends will become Zambies, and…” SLICE, Jason sliced the Blood Demon, and shot him with a NUKE, surprisingly, it was that easy, and so… the others came back to life, and they lived life as Stealthy ninjas… For 10 years…”
“ell gramps that was quite a story,”
“Yeah but… it’s been 10 years”
“So that means…” *Grooannnn*
To Be Continued…