Monday, September 10, 2018

how long can it go for??

Have you ever tried the doubling routine, you know when you go at one then double it then double it again and again and so on and so forth? so I'm going to try and reach the highest number possible... or as far as until I get bored and stop

lets get started: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, it is here that things get harder. 128, 256, 512, 1'024, 2'048, 4'096, 8'192. you still up to date? you might be wondering how I can do this so easily? because I have a million math brain cells that make me EXCELLENT at math. Let's keep going; 16'384, 32'768, 65'536. MY GOD that's a big number, but I'm still gonna keep going. 131'072, 262'144, 524'288, 1'048'576, 2'097'152, 4'194'304, 8'388'608 and to top it off because I'm bored 16'777'216

anyway, thanks for looking. and wait for christmas

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some camp i went on

This is it, the moment I’ve been waiting for all day. Spotlight! I didn't really know where I wanted to hide nor who I wanted to hide ...